Wrist curl

Fitness dumbbells

This exercise targets the flexor muscles in the wrist. The flexor carpi ulnaris and flexor carpi radialis are the most trained, but the muscles for growth strength also get a good workout. The wrist curl is not necessary in a beginner’s training schedule, but it is a good addition to the end of a workout for more advanced strength athletes to ensure that their grip remains strong enough for other exercises as they lift heavier weights. lift. Sports such as climbing, rugby and martial arts, as well as racket and stroke sports, benefit from the great strength in the forearm and grip.

How to do the wrist curl

Sit on a bench and grasp a barbell with hands slightly less than shoulder-width apart and palms up. Rest the forearms on the thighs with the wrists past the knees so that you can rotate them toward the floor without touching the legs. Lower the barbell to the floor and let it roll from the palms to the fingers. Move the barbell back up by gripping the bar in your hand and turning your knuckles toward the ceiling.

Do it well
Keep wrists and elbows level to maintain resistance on the wrist flexors.

Provide a free floor space so that the barbell can roll away without hitting anyone if it slips out of your hands.

Variations of the wrist curl

If you feel the wrist uncomfortable in the low position, you can do the erase curl standing up. Grab the bar behind the body, just below the glutes. Grasp the bar with hands shoulder-width apart and palms facing away from the body. Pull the barbell up by moving the bar up in the hands and rotating the wrists up.

For an extra challenge, grab a dumbbell in each hand; this gives you more control over the muscles in the forearm. You can also do the exercise with a barbell, with the palms facing down – this will work the extensors in the wrist and the entire forearm.

Active muscles

  1. Flexor carpi radialis
  2. Flexor carpi ulnaris
actieve spieren van de wrist curl