This exercise targets the glutes, hamstrings, abs, and lower back muscles. It is a great rehabilitation exercise for low back pain and core stability. Poor endurance of the lower back muscles is one of the main factors in the development of low back pain. The bridge is a very effective way to activate and strengthen the lower back muscles, such as the multifidus and erector spinae. Use this exercise to help prevent injury, or as part of an exercise program during recovery from injury. There are many variants of the bridge, from easy to difficult. And because you don’t need any props for it, you can do this exercise just about anywhere.
How to do the floor bridge
Lie with hands next to body, knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Tighten the abs and glutes, apply pressure to the heels and lift the hips so that the part from the knees to the shoulders is straight. Keep the core muscles tense and do not lower the hips or arch the back. Hold this for 20-30 counts. When the muscles get tired, slowly lower yourself back to the floor.
Do it well
Keep the torso taut by pulling the navel toward the spine.
Lowering back too quickly can hit the lower back, causing injury.
Variations of the floor bridge
Those who are less fit can lift the hips a little bit at first, until the body gets stronger, or hold the standard position for less time.
One-legged bridge: Do the standard exercise, but start with only one knee bent and the other leg straight. Push yourself up with the bent leg and make sure that the part from the shoulders to the foot of the extended leg is straight. Resist the urge to twist the body; keep hips flat and do not twist to one side.
Active muscles
- Erector spinae
- Multifidus (onder erector spinae)
- Rectus abdominis
- Obliquus internus abdominis (onder obliquus externus abdominis)
- Obliquus externus abdominis
- Glutaeus maximus