Fitness dumbbells

This torso stability exercise is also called the “bird dog” because the position moves between sitting on your hands and knees and stretching the arms and legs. Zw mainly affects the posterior part of the trunk, the obliques, erector spinae, multifidus and gluteal muscle. It provides a strong and stable neck and shoulder girdle by making the extensor muscles stronger and the rotational movements more stable. Good endurance of the extensor muscles in the leather is an important protection against low back pain, while stability during rotational movements is important in many sports. No special equipment is required for this exercise, so you can easily do it at home.


Get on your knees with your hands shoulder-width apart in front of your body. Tilt the pelvis back and forth to find the neutral position of the spine. In this position, contract the abs and lift one hand and the opposite knee slightly off the floor, balancing on the other hand and knee. When the body is stable, extend the arm and leg all the way. Try to flatten from hand to foot and right. Hold the position for a count of ten. Return to the starting position and repeat with the other side.

Do it well
Do not raise the leg too high, or the lower back will bend. Do not turn the body to one side.

In the case of knee or wrist injuries, you should reduce the pressure created by lifting the arm and leg alternately and not simultaneously.


Keep both hands on the floor and only straighten one leg if you find it difficult to balance on one hand and one knee.

Start on the hands and toes instead of the hands and knees. The stabilizing muscles in the shoulders and trunk and the hamstrings then have to work harder because there is a larger part to stabilize and really less contact with the surface.

Active muscles

  1. Rectus abdominis
  2. Obliquus internus abdominis (onder obliquus externe abdominis)
  3. Obliquus externus abdominis